23 January 2009

Take it with you part ll

If there has been a theme that has consistently run throughout my blogging it has been "taking your camera everywhere". Now, for many of you this is not new but for some the idea of lugging that bulky DSLR or even the slim/sleek point and shoot around is much more of a hassle than anything else. But, I can say without any hesitation that everyone reading this blog will admit to themselves if not openly to wishing at some point to having their camera with them! Nothing to be ashamed of but just realizing how great it can be is the first step to taking that most unexpected great shot.

There is also another aspect to this madness and that is the subject. In this instance, the subject could be a friend, family member or just a stranger on the street. That unexpected shot of someone is most often the best image because there is no time to think about it....For example, the shot used in this blog is one I took just last week at a friends house. While entertaining a visiting family member we were invited next door to an impromptu guitar concert. It was great. I, of course grabbed the Nikon and began shooting away. Mark, the performer (neighbor) was very much into his performance and did not realize I was shooting him for roughly an hour. As a result, there were some great images of a relaxed guy having a good time entertaining friends....

Many of you that know me realize that I am not a professional photographer nor do I claim to know much about the business of taking pictures. But, what I hope to provide is a vehicle (i.e. Blog) to give information that helps you the amateur photographer take better pictures... And, "taking it with you" will help you do just that....Good luck!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As an artist I know how important it is to be prepared for any possible shot that may come up.
I always try to have my camera with me to capture a shot that I can use as reference for a painting. I also keep a drawing pad in my car for those moments that arise where I can do a sketch for reference.
As with anything you are interested in, it takes a little bit of effort to be prepared. But, if it is something that you have a real passion for, then that effort is well worth it.