29 November 2008

Take it and Sell it!

Living in a city as beautiful as Miami one can't help but to venture out and take pictures.  Because I am not a professional photographer most of my photography is for personal use or an occasional purchase from a friend or admirer of my work.  But, several weeks ago I mentioned to a friend that I had some really nice photo's of our city and would he like a few to hang in his office.  He lives in the already bitter cold Northeast.  Well, he loved the images and as a result showed them to several others in the office and they fell in love with the sunny and warm view of the city.  

As a result, of that first simple "trying to be nice" email I sold three images to several people.  Simple, quick and effective.  So, in the future you can be assured that I will take more pictures and be sure to let people know they are available.  My point is that you never know if you don't ask.  Take it and Sell it!!
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24 November 2008

Take it with you!

One of the biggest obstacles faced in getting back into photography is the fear of "taking it with you"....The camera, of course!

How many times have you been in a situation where you wished that you had your camera. Of course, with almost every cell phone having a camera installed it does make it easier. And, that's fine for what it is ....But, what I am talking about are those moments that just catch your eye. That's why over the last several years I have started carrying my camera with me all the time. Yes, from time to time it does get in the way but I will take that in order to know that at any moment I can catch that memorable image....

The photo included in this post was taken at one of my favorite Charleston, South Carolina restaurants S.N.O.B. I was eating with family at the chef's table which as you can see is just outside the kitchen. The atmosphere was as to be expected at a well known restaurant jumping! Chef's were busy shouting out orders to line cooks and servers attempting to get orders out on time. Loving cooking as I do this really sparked my interest and I began to the dismay of my fellow diners shooting images of the kitchen. But, having overcome my fear of what other's think I tuned them out and just concentrated on what was going on just in front of me...

So, as photographer's we need and should have our equipment with us at all times. It has taken me a while to get over the fear but for every shot that I capture makes it that much easier. So, "Take it with you!!"
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21 November 2008

Making an image work for you

For most of my life, I have been known by my friends as the guy with a lot of good ideas. Well, some of those ideas have been successful ventures and some have been left on the cutting room floor.

But, as I rediscover my love of photography those ideas keep coming. And, now with that connection, I am going to combine one idea with one passion. This idea is not new, but, an idea (product) that is something we all need and use on a regular basis....I am talking about a "thank you" card. Not what you were thinking? How many times have you needed to send a quick note to someone special or send a greeting to an old friend. Well, I hope to be able to fill that need with an attractive environmentally friendly card.

Combining some of my favorite images that friends have helped select, I am in the production stages of the development of this new idea. These cards will be made in keeping with my concern for the environment "Green". Recycled paper and environmentally friendly ink. We are currently in talks with several local printers and my goal is to have the first series of cards available for the holiday season. Please say tuned.

This first series will be a limited production run and carried by a select number specialty stores and available on my website. www.thomastaulbee.com . Please feel free to let me know what you think by filling out the comment form on my website....I look forward to hearing from you.

Happy Holiday!
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15 November 2008

A photographer's photographer

One of the biggest compliments a photographer can give to another photographer is that they hope to achieve their level of skill and that they enjoy their work!. One photographer that I have admired is a guy from the Seattle area, Chase Jarvis.

I came across his site several months ago and it impressed me then and continues to impress me with each visit to his site and blog. His work quite simply is amazing. He seems to be a fairly free spirited guy which I guess comes along with being a photographer. Or, at least one would hope. What impresses me about his style is his ability to capture and portray images in the now. Now, that's what photography is supposed to do many of you will say but his images are extraordinarily in the now. It's hard to explain but if you visit his site
( www.chasejarvis.com ) you will see what I am referring to...

Like so many of us in today's society Chase is on Facebook and upon a request from me we are now friends. No, I am not a stalker! Just a fan. And, trust me I am not the only one. What prompted me to write this post is a brief visit to his Facebook page and was surprised at how many people around the world are following this guys work. It's amazing...From Saudi Arabia to Pakistan. Even with the web providing exposure to the world not many of us can say that we have that kind of following. Obvisouly, this guy is doing something right.

As an amatuer photographer, I am inspired by the likes of Chase Jarvis and I will continue to work hard at my craft to become a more skillful photographer...

08 November 2008

A Moment in Time

It's early Saturday morning and I was watching a news talk show and to my great surprise, I actually heard something that caught my attention!

During a segment on this weeks election results the talking heads (broadcaster) were discussing the difference between images in video and still photography. They compared basically the same shots of President-Elect Obama and his family preparing to greet the millions of people gathered in Chicago. The video was raw so editing would have improved it but let it be said that from a viewers prospective it was bland and did show the true emotion of the moment. The same basic scene was shown in still photographic images and the difference was significant. The images reflected the incredible emotion of the moment and one could feel the weight that was just placed on this young man!

What I have tried to do in this blog is to write about my passion, photography. And, how wonderful it can be in telling a story. From images of a new President to the loving touch of a new father photography is a wonderful way to capture a brief moment of time and turn it into a memory forever.
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06 November 2008

The President's Photographer

This is one story that you may not read in your local paper or see on the local news. Monday evening, the world of photography lost one of the greats, Cecil Stoughton.

Unfamiliar with Mr. Stoughton? Well, you have most certainly seen the iconic images of his work. He was the White House photographer during the Presidency of John F. Kennedy. In fact, Stoughton accompanied President Kennedy to Dallas on that horrible day in 1963. And, was in the hospital at the time of Kennedy's death. Following the tragic death of the President Stoughton was taken to Air Force one where he captured one of the most famous images of our time. The image of Lyndon Johnson taking the oath of office on Air Force One with Jackie Kennedy, widow of President Kennedy next to his side.

The world of photography has lost a giant but fortunately his images will live on forever.

04 November 2008

Welcome, Little Man!

Several weeks ago you may remember I wrote of the importance of taking pictures and that in time of loss how important it can be! For a time of reflection there is nothing better than to spend time looking back and enjoying pictures of loved one's...

Well, I am here to tell you that taking pictures is a wonderful way to welcome someone into this world! Yes, today my nephew, Tim and his wife, Laura welcomed their son, Blake into this world. Blake made his debut around 1:30 pm today and what a debut it was! We welcomed him to our lives on a day that many Americans were busy electing the next President of the United States. Although, Blake was much more interested in striking a pose for his great uncle Thomas.

The pictorial story of young Blake has begun. And, the importance of this may not be felt for months and most likely years. But, we will look back on this day and remember the importance of taking pictures of the most precious times.

So, little man welcome to what you may find is a crazy place but know that you will be loved and cherished by all those around you.

02 November 2008

Forgotten Influence!

I have given a lot of thought over the last several weeks to my early years and how those times influenced the person I am today. Like many kids, childhood memories are filled with happiness and thoughts of easier times. And, with a few exceptions, I am no different.

In my last post, I wrote about an email I received from an individual that I do not know but, it started a chain reaction of thoughts of why I have become the person here today. And, there is one small period of time that I just came to the realization had great influence on me. That was my senior year in high school. During that last year of (what seemed to be an endless 3 years) I wrote a term paper on someone that many think is the most influential photojournalist of the 20 century, David Douglass Duncan. I remember researching this incredible and talented photographer and looking at what he loved to do and thinking that I hoped to find that passion in my life. Duncan, was commissioned a United States Marine where he became a combat photographer. After the war Duncan's career headed in the direction of a leading photojournalist where he gained great notoriety. His career and life had become a great influence on me although, I was unaware at the time.

"Forgotten influence?" A distant memory brought up by a random email from a complete stranger? Who knows, but I can say that Duncan had a lasting influence on that kid in 12 grade.

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