23 December 2008

They are here!

After weeks of selecting images, style design and packaging my first series of "whatever" cards are now available.

Those of you that have been with me from the beginning know that I began revisiting my love for photography about one year ago. It has been wonderful. The next step for me in this journey was to create something that would allow people to enjoy some of my favorite images in a useful fun way. Hence, my creation of the "whatever" card.

The first series are three images that were selected to represent my love of nature and concern for our environment. All cards will be printed on recycled paper. This is just a small step to help protect and save the environment....

If you are interested in ordering a box of the first series, please send me an email at thomas@thomastaulbee.com or go to my website thomastaulbee.com and fill out a comment form and I will contact you.

Thanks for your interest and I hope you enjoy this series and future one's....

19 December 2008

Start'em young

On a recent trip to visit with family in Atlanta, I met my cousin's daughter's for the very first time. What a wonderful time we had. Catching up on old times and seeing the sites of their hometown. It was just great! Oh, can't forget feeding the fish!! Hi, Victoria....

Now, all of you know that my interest in photography started at a very young age. And, you can contribute that interest to my Dad. Not realizing at the time, photography would become a big part of my life so many years later. But, here I am.

I was so pleased to see Sofia, the older of the two girls take such an interest in photography. She would follow me around with her camera shooting lots of pictures. Some of her shots were really good and she seemed to enjoy it. Now, this (photography) may be a brief moment in her life but you never know. If her interest continues to grow we maybe are looking at the next great photojournalist or nature photographer. Who knows but the fact that she has started at this young age is very promising. And, if that interest is just a hobby then she is in for years of great joy taking pictures of the world around her.

So, take interest in these brief thoughts and give the young one's around you a camera to play with. You never know!!
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05 December 2008

Skies the limit, Miami

Growing up in Miami, I have been witness to the many faces of an emerging city. And, Miami, like many cities have been blessed with the good and the bad. But, Miami and it's residents can say with pride that the sky is the limit.

I had the pleasure today of going to what is a world class event. Art Basel! This event finds it's permanent home in Basel, Switzerland but has made it's way to the Magic City. It truly is magnificent. Hundreds of artists flock to Miami to show off their talent to a collection of people from around the world. Wondering the floor today as I did made quite an impression on me. The amount of talent that was available for the average art enthusiast to the serious art collectors was incredible.

As a photographer, I was most curious to view others that shared my same interest. There was an impressive collection of photography and I was most pleased albeit surprised to see works from a particular favorite which is "street" photography. I chatted with a younger (well, slightly younger than me) guy from England about his work. He sounded very similar to a guy I know (me) saying that street photography has given him the ability to show off the world around him. His work was intriguing to say the least. Although, impressive may be a more accurate description.

Miami, you should be proud that you have finally joined the ranks of such cities as New York, Boston, San Francisco in catching the attention of the world's elite artists...Cheers!
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